Being proposed to is, debatably, one of the biggest moments in a person’s life. Of course, there are many different ways proposals can go down; sometimes it’s not much of a surprise so soon-to-be fiances will go ring-shopping prior to the announcement, and other times it’s a TOTAL surprise. While we respect both options, we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t prefer the latter. After all, there’s nothing more thrilling than witnessing a proposal and thinking to yourself– Will she, or won’t she say ‘yes’?

In the case of today’s story, the bride DID say ‘yes’, but that doesn’t mean she was down with the requisite engagement ring shots planned right after. You see, when Diana, was asked the “big question” by her man, Jose, she immediately accepted…except, there was one problem–she didn’t have her nails done.

So, why would this factor into her not wanting to show off the ring in the engagement photos? Well, she didn’t think her bare hands would do her new rock justice. So, she turned to her cousin, Jenna, and asked her to display the photo on her well-manicured finger.

And, they actually ended up with a pretty great engagement photo. In fact, no one would really know that Aubry’s hand was missing from the shot. That being said, her cousin Jenna DID decide to tweet the top right photo. Talk about blowing someone’s cover!

Amazingly, the photo went viral almost immediately. Within the week-and-a-half, it’s been posted, it’s garnered nearly one million likes! It’s gotten so much attention, in fact, Jenna has kindly shared more details with her many new fans.

Hi everyone. I’m so happy that you’re all sharing the joy of this special moment with us! To answer a couple of FAQ’s: Diana is a nurse so she never has her nails done. José planned this surprise proposal & couldn’t really get her to do her nails without raising suspicion.

The good cousin even offered up some more background on how the lucky guy proposed:

José convinced Diana that the celebration was for his parent’s wedding anniversary, before getting on his knees and revealing that it was all really for her! My girl organised HER OWN proposal party– anyway there were photographers & that’s how this shot was captured.

Adorable stuff! We can’t wait to hear your take on this viral engagement photo. Are you a fan of this family’s crafty modeling skills? Do you have a funny engagement story you would like to share?

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