The One Place in Your Fridge You Should Never Store Your Eggs
Eggs are a daily staple for many of us, whether it be your morning scramble, your afternoon over easy, or any kind of brinner (breakfast + dinner) situation. That being said, it’s likely that those of us who eat eggs always have a dozen waiting in the fridge, since we use them so regularly.
But there’s an issue about this that very few of us realize — not always having eggs on hand, but where that dozen is stored.
The refrigerator is obviously where you store dairy products like eggs, right? We’re not arguing that. But there actually is a wrong place WITHIN your fridge where you should never stash your eggs, and not everyone knows that.
Picture the inside of your refrigerator, really quick. Where in your fridge do you usually put your eggs, if eggs are on your grocery list?
If you said, “Oh, the shelf on the refrigerator door!” we’re sorry to tell you that you’re making your eggs go bad faster! This is actually the worst place you could possibly store your eggs, for a pretty simple reason.
The shelf on the inside of your refrigerator door sees a pretty constant flux of temperature, as you have to open and close the door to get your food. On top of that, the shelf door is already the warmest place in the fridge, which means that putting your eggs here will make them rot faster.
To keep your eggs as fresh as can be for as long as possible, put them instead on one of the shelves inside your fridge. This placement will keep your eggs fresher, keep them edible a few days beyond their “Best By” date, and even make them taste better.
And this rule of thumb doesn’t just apply to eggs; milk and other perishable items, especially dairy, shouldn’t be stored in your refrigerator door. Good Housekeeping says that items with natural preservatives, like jams, jellies, and juices, are fine in the door since warmer temperatures won’t make them go bad.
Did you already know the one place eggs should never be stored? Will you have to change where your dozen is stashed? Make sure to share your thoughts on this food fact!