Work in an office? Back pain. Carry your child around often? Back pain. Sleeping on an old mattress? Say it with us now: Back pain! It seems like everything these days can cause your back to hurt, amirite?

It seems that back pain is one of the most common aches, with some 31 million Americans experiencing low back pain at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association.

Additionally, experts estimate that as many as 80 percent of the population will likely experience a back problem at some point in their lives. Right now, low back pain is actually the leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010.

When most people experience back pain, they’ll either hit up their chiropractor or visit the spa for a relaxing massage. But these solutions can be costly. Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain, according to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

If you’re sick of burning a hole in your wallet or spending all your free time at a doctor’s office, don’t fret: There’s an easier, cheaper, and faster way to combat back pain—stretching exercises. They’re easy, painless, and can help strengthen your muscles to avoid future back pain.

The best part: They only take one minute or less each, and you don’t need any expensive equipment.

So the next time you’re hurting, try one of these four easy stretching positions for back relief. Follow along in the moving photos at Brightside:

Stretches to strengthen your back

Stretch #1:

Stretch #2:

Stretch #3:

Stretch #4:

Stretch #5:

Stretch #6:

Stretch #7:

What are your tried-and-true ways to combat back pain? Are you going to try one of these back pain-relieving stretches? Tell us about your experience.

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