Most people know Dolly Parton as one of the most influential country singers of all time. Many also agree that she’s one gem of a human.

That’s why, when an old interview between her and Barbara Walters popped up, people couldn’t believe their ears. Walters was deliberately patronizing her during the talk. People who viewed the interview couldn’t believe it really aired when it did, in 1977.

In one part of the interview, Barbara rudely questions Dolly’s appearance. She basically tells her that she “doesn’t have to look like this,” and then rattles off all of the things she thinks Dolly is doing wrong—basically all of her signature style components.

But Dolly, who has always been known for her wild hair, signature makeup, crazy outfits, and long nails, responded in a way that really makes you ponder the definition of “kill them with kindness.”

“I know they make fun of me, but actually all these years the people, you know, have thought the joke is on me but it’s actually been on the public. I know exactly what I’m doing and I can change it at any time,” she told Barbara. “I make more jokes about myself than anybody…”

Doll then goes on to basically tell her that it doenn’t matter what anyone else thinks—Dolly is proud of who she is and what she stands for and presents herself as. Basically, she’s confident in who she is, and doesn’t need to prove herself to anyone—especially Barbara Walters.

“Like I said, I am sure of myself as a person. I am sure of my talent. And I’m sure of my love for life and that sort of thing. I’m very content. I like the kind of person that I am,” she said. “So, I can afford to piddle around and do-diddle around with makeup and clothes and stuff because I am secure with myself.”

You’d think that Barbara would quit there, but she keeps on keeping on with her passive aggressive comments. What makes it such a great watch is Dolly’s reactions to everything—not even a hindrance of offended-ness.

Take a look at the rare interview footage below, and try not to love Dolly even more than you do now!

Can you believe how rude Barbara Walters was here? What did you think of how Dolly replied to her comments? How would you have responded if you were her?

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