There are few things all of us can agree on in life, but we’re pretty sure one of them is this: nobody, but nobody, can resist a singalong to one of Queen’s classic tunes— and that goes double for their rousing and dramatic “We Are the Champions”.

Well today, we’re amending that truth, but not because we disagree! Oh no. Instead, we’re adjusting the expectations behind it, because while it would be safe to assume that we’re only talking about humans in that sweeping statement above, we learned today that we should be including another species entirely: dogs!

That’s right! Our canine companions want to get in on the singing action, too, and they’re apt to do so when we’re not expecting it.

Case in point? This video from Newsflare of Annie Aul and her Shiloh Shepherd, Lola, that’s sure to make you smile.

An unexpected back-up singer

While on a long road trip from Montgomery, Alabama to Miami, Florida, with her canine BFF, Annie decided to try to shake things up and entertain herself by recording a video for her YouTube channel. So she set up a camera on the dash and began lip-syncing to – of course – Queen’s “We Are the Champions”. Good choice, Annie!

The song begins and Annie starts to lip sync. Then, from the backseat, a previously uninterested Lola lifts her head— and starts to sing along! And to be quite frank, she’s got a better voice than most people.

Lola even inspires Annie to abandon the idea of only lip-syncing and to let out a few actual notes or two throughout the song. What started out as a normal car karaoke video turns in a fun, delightful, and super special human-and-dog duet.

OK, is Lola actually singing?

While we’d much rather listen to Lola than to some tone-deaf people we know, this video made us wonder— why do dogs “sing” along to some songs? Do they actually have their own taste in music?

Well, according to most of the experts out there, the answer is: not really? But maybe? The most popular theory out there seems to be this one, reported by

Dog howling has a high-pitched and almost piercing quality to it. A lot of music also shares that quality, specifically pieces that involve pianos, saxophones and clarinets. High female singing can also encourage doggie howling. If your dog howls when he hears music with any of these elements, it may be because he — mistakenly — thinks that he is hearing another dog somewhere off in the distance calling out to him, and is attempting to acknowledge the communication by answering back loudly.

Other dog experts suggest that the howling is simply coincidental, the dog’s way of bonding with his human “pack,” or even a response to pain caused by the pitches and tones. (Always consult your vet if you suspect your dog may be howling in pain.) Dr. Stanley Coren tells Psychology Today that “Research confirms that dogs have musical preferences and react differently to particular types of music.”

So we don’t really have an answer as to why Lola’s singing along, but honestly? All that matters is that she is, and it’s adorable. To hear her vocal stylings – she seriously harmonizes with the song in an amazing way! – check out the video below.

Does your dog howl along to music? Why do you think dogs like to “sing” along with our favorite tunes? What’s your favorite song for a road trip singalong?

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