And now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the showdown you’ve all been waiting for – dog versus baby. When baby Sam and his dog Beau both see one last piece of chicken in the middle of the table, they square off for the ultimate showdown to see who will claim the chicken! Who will win out in the end? Well…you may be surprised to see. At the very least, this the cutest face-off of all time and the perfect way to start your week off right! With double cuteness.

First of all, can we talk about how funny this looks? The baby on one side, the dog on the other, the piece of chicken right in between. It’s too much.

At the start, Sam starts by distracting his opponent, letting him know that piece of chicken is HIS and to back off, by promptly slamming his hands on the table. But Beau won’t back down.

They both converge on the chicken in the center, with Beau reaching out first – but his paws can’t reach! Then Sam demonstrates the usefulness of opposable thumbs by snatching up the chicken.

But will he hold onto his prize? Well, you’ll have to watch the adorable video above and find out, won’t you? Twist your arm, we know.

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