I came across a cool and supposedly cheaper way to save money when whitening your teeth. According to Health.com, you can use a strawberry and baking powder to get rid of coffee, red wine, dark soda, and other stains on your teeth. They say to take a ripe strawberry and crush it up in a bowl or cup, then mix in a half of a teaspoon of baking powder, and then apply the strawberry/baking powder paste to your teeth. Let it sit for 5 minutes, and then brush your teeth using toothpaste. They say to do this once a week. From the site:

“While it’s no replacement for a bleaching treatment at your dentist’s office, ‘this is a fast, cheap way to brighten your smile,’ says Adina Carrel, DMD, a dentist in private practice at Manhattan Dental Arts in New York.”

photo credit: digicla

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