Stay Natural and Stay Protected With this DIY Sunscreen

With winter finally gone, we’ve all been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the sun! But as we bust out our bathing suits and flip flops, it’s also time to bust out the sunscreen once more. Although, according to research done in the last few years, you should always be wearing sunscreen. Even through cloudy, snowy weather, the sun still bust through and bombard your skin with harmful rays. The only way to prevent various skin diseases is to wear sunscreen as often as possible. Not interested in the chemicals that come along with store-bought sunscreen? Try this all-natural, DIY sunscreen! Watch the video below to see how it’s made.

Not only will this all-natural sunscreen protect you from the dangerous rays, but the olive and coconut oils will have a soothing, moisturizing affect on your skin. Using only just a few simple ingredients, you can make this cheap skincare product that is preventative AND benefits your skin with rich antioxidants. And, best of all, you can add your very own signature scent!

– Coconut oil
– Olive oil
– Essential oil of your choice
– Zinc Oxide Powder

Step 1: Combine 1/2 cup of coconut oil with 1/4 cup of olive oil.
Step 2: Add the essential oil of your choice.
Step 3: Melt oils over double boiler.
Step 4: Remove from heat and add 2 tbsp. of zinc oxide powder.
Step 5: Stir thoroughly.
Step 6: Store and use on your skin daily.

Tip: Make sure you purchase a non-nano zinc oxide powder.

What do you think of this DIY sunscreen? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.