Gazing balls are beautiful, almost surreal pieces of garden decor. Their glimmering stones make for the perfect tea garden decoration, the perfect thing to line a walkway, or even a beautiful centerpiece for your patio furniture. But, as beautiful as they are, gazing balls can also get pretty expensive. Instead of spending tons of money on a store-bought gazing ball, why not make your own! That’s right, not only can you make your very own gazing ball, but you can make it using Dollar Store items! Now you really have no excuse. Watch the video below to see how this simple project is done.

The key to this DIY gazing ball is a smooth foam ball as a base. This you may have to get at Joanne Fabrics or another craft store. The glass marbles, however, will cost you a fortune coming from a craft store. So look for your favorite color of marbles at your local Dollar Store!

Jennifer Priest, the brains behind this clever little DIY, suggests that these balls should NOT be left out in extreme cold. So if it’s winter where you are, or if you just live in a chilly climate, bring it inside.

To get started you’ll need a few things:

• Smoothfoam RT182.5 Half Ball Pastel, 12-Inch, White
• Smoothfoam Balls Crafts Foam for Modeling, 6-Inch, White
• Acrylic Paint
• Foam Brush
• Full Size High Temperature Glue Gun

STEP 1: You’ll want to paint the balls whatever color of stones you’re using. So if you’re using blue like Jennifer, paint the Styrofoam blue.
STEP 2: If your larger balls are split in half, paint them separately and glue them together once both halves are dry.
STEP 3: Glue your marbles all over the surface of the balls, using your hot glue gun.
STEP 4: Give them an hour or so to set and then use them to jazz up your garden!

There are so many creative ways you can use these faux gazing balls – and you spent only a few bucks to make them! That is truly the most bang for your buck.

What do you think of this beautiful piece of DIY garden decor? Have you made gazing balls yourself? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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