I’ve seen floating coolers being sold for as much as fifty bucks. What a rip-off! You can make your own floating cooler for a couple bucks and a quick trip to the dollar store. These are perfect for those hot summer days in the pool, lake or river.

All you need is a pool noodle (choose your favorite color) and a plastic container which can be found for 99 cents each at your local dollar store. Finally just find some spare string or cord laying around.


1. Take your pool noodle and hold it up to the sides of the container marking off each with a marker so you know where to cut the noodle.

2. Cut the pool noodle where the pen marks are with scissors.

3. Thread your cord/string through the pool noodle and around the neck of the plastic container.

That’s it, you’re read to go, and your cold beverages will be pleasantly floating by your side all summer long.

More pictures and instructions can be found on Instructables

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