To help you adjust to the inconvenience that is Daylight Saving Time, we’re sharing something that will either perk up your spirits or make you cry. Maybe both.

With dogs, it can be pretty obvious that no matter how long an owner is separated from them – be it 10 minutes, 10 months, or longer – they feel it. Does your dog jump all over you when you go to the mailbox at the end of driveway and walk back? It feels good to be missed.

However, it’s way different when a dog’s person is away for an extended period of time, like for a military deployment. This video features a dog whose owner has been on deployment for the past 8 months.

He must know something is up because just before the door opens, his tail is wagging and he’s doing a happy spin. On top of that, though this doggie is clearly alert about what’s happening at the entrance, he does not have his guard up. No barking!

In walks his guy, and there’s nothing but excitement. The soldier barely makes it through the door as he’s smothered by love, jumps, and doggie hugs. What a warm and unforgettable welcome!

It’s been researched and written that dogs have a sketchy short-term memory that lasts only a couple of minutes. But they are quite capable of memorizing things like commands and cues, such as your picking up the leash to indicate it’s time for a walk.

According to Psychology Today, it has been difficult to study how dogs’ memories work during and after long periods of separation. Why? Because no one wants to be away from their pets for that long on purpose. So, dog behavioral experts believe that if you have established a strong bond with your pup, then the chances of them recognizing you years and years later are highly likely.

Couple that with their super sense of smell and you’ll have a case of what we see in this video. Your scent is everything. Dogs do have something called scent memory and their brains are wired so that they can process what they smell and communicate, remember, and complete tasks because of it.

Can’t yours tell if one of your friends also has dogs? What about your doggie’s uncanny ability to notice a piece of pizza crust that your toddler shoved under the sofa a week ago? That nasal power contributes to their own special type of memory that makes them miss – and remember – their humans regardless of time.

Additionally, they can feel sad, anxious, or stressed when someone they love is gone. We’ve heard the stories about dog reactions to death and other forms of separation. They have emotions too.

Enjoy watching this adorable and heartwarming reaction from this loyal dog. We think he may be a little bit more excited than this soldier’s wife about the reunion.

Have you ever received a greeting like this from a dog after a long separation? Were you surprised by the dog’s response? What do you think of this pooch’s love and dance for one of his humans?

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