If you’ve ever been pregnant or known someone who was pregnant, you may have had the thought “how could someone not know they’re pregnant?” Most pregnant women gain weight, get a really big belly, stop getting their period, and suffer from any number of other side effects like fatigue, crazy taste buds, nausea, swollen feet, the list goes on.

Yet, there are people who don’t know they are pregnant until they go into labor. Here is one such story.

When Claire was just 19 years old, she woke up one day and couldn’t pick up anything with her right hand. She was alarmed and confused, wondering what on earth could be wrong. Up until this point, she had been perfectly fine.

When she went to the doctor, she ended up being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which is also called MS. This disease causes communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. It can cause permanent nerve damage and can cause people to become disabled. Weakness, numbness and vision problems are all common symptoms.

MS currently does not have a cure, but there are medications that can help reduce the side effects. Claire took medications like these and was eventually able to return to work. However, she assumed that she would never be able to fall in love or start a family.

That was before Claire met Paul at work. The two quickly hit it off and started dating. Claire says, “We went out every night, and I just got better and better. He seemed to pull me out of myself.”

With Claire’s MS symptoms at bay, Claire and Paul kept dating, and four years into their relationship, Claire gave birth to a baby boy who they named Harry. This pregnancy was perfectly normal. She knew she was pregnant. Everything went as expected. Nothing odd at all.

Then, months later, Claire’s MS came back. She lost feeling in her right side once again. Claire started taking medications for her MS and spent most of her time in bed. She gained about 7-10 pounds, but she assumed that was due to the steroids that she was taking for her MS. She still got her period every month. Nothing else was unusual.

When Harry was 18 months old, Claire woke up in pain and felt like she had to go to the bathroom. She rushed to the bathroom but was in so much pain that she yelled for Paul, waking him up. He rushed to her, wondering what was wrong, and she said that she felt like she was in labor.

As if realizing she was in labor wasn’t enough of a shock for both parents, the surprise wasn’t over yet. Claire says, “It was just amazing.” Watch the video below to find out what happened.

Have you ever known anyone who didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in labor?

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