Many people have jobs that require a lot of sitting. Sitting in front of a computer. Sitting in front of a classroom. Sitting in a car or a truck. All of this sitting means we’re not moving as much as we should be or could be, and over the years, many of us tend to pack on the pounds.

While some people have been overweight since childhood, others saw a gradual increase in weight gain. Either way, as adults with kids, many of these people look at the number on the scale one day and wonder how they got this overweight.

Losing weight is a real commitment. It usually involves a change in diet and adding exercise. We’ve seen several recent success stories for rapid weight loss with the keto diet.

One mother of four was motivated to lose weight because she wanted to make sure she would be alive and well for her children. She committed to the keto diet, and in 14 months, she dropped 230 pounds!

Another success story involves a mother of twins. She lost more than 170 pounds by following the keto diet most of the time. She cheats occasionally, but she also exercises.

The keto diet doesn’t just work for women either. One dad, Jeremiah Peterson, dropped 92 pounds in just 6 months on the keto diet.

Peterson was on a hiking trip with his three kids who were ages 9, 7 and 6. He noticed that he kept having to take breaks because he was out of breath and tired, but his kids were still full of energy. At 40 years old, he knew he should be able to keep up with his kids, and he knew his weight was holding him back.

That’s when Peterson knew something had to change, and he started by making a drastic change to his diet. He switched to the keto diet, which puts an emphasis on eating protein and vegetables and strictly limits carbs.

Six months later, he looks like a completely different person. He exercises daily and has so much more energy. He says that he has his kids to thank for inspiring him to make this change.

Not only has his diet and exercise made him healthier and more energetic, he now helps other people lose weight and get healthy.

Watch the video below for more on Peterson’s amazing weight loss success story.

What do you think of the keto diet? Do you know anyone who has lost weight on it?

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