When you’re home alone, surely you do things that would make people either raise an eyebrow or join in on the fun. Gross, weird, funny, or physically demanding – you let the good times roll.

As the camera rolls, Josh and Audrey Rinder got some daddy-daughter bonding time in with some upbeat dancing while Mom was out. With Josh calling it the song of the summer, Justin Timberlake’s popular hit “Can’t Stop the Feeling” is the perfect track for their cute home routine.

It’s perfect because it’s clear the dancing duo really can’t stop the feeling. The happy tune from the movie Trolls gave them a bit of dance fever, so much so that they’re barefoot (which means this is not a game) and ready to set their stage on fire. And that’s not all— they have coordinating outfits just like professional dancers.

You’ve got to check out Josh’s pants! Donning pink attire on center stage, dad and daughter bring the beat in with a quick bounce and some claps. Matching their moves up with the lyrics, Audrey and Josh do not disappoint. They’ve got fancy footwork, and hit on new dance moves like “Dabbing” and old ones like ring-around-the-rosie. You’ll also see twirls, Temptations-esque arm rolls, and lip syncing. Peep it!

Energetically contagious, you can’t help but smile as Audrey jumps around and masters hip rocking. The look on her face is everything! In case you haven’t seen Justin Timberlake’s video for the song, the dancing is all 100% about letting the feeling move you, no matter who’s around.

As this version charmed its way across the web, JT himself caught wind of it and even shared it with his Twitter followers, calling it the cutest thing ever. Though this video came out in May of last year, these two have been killing it on their home-based dancefloor for a couple of years now, taking on pop hits by Meghan Trainor and Taylor Swift too.

Their first video, which was also ridiculously adorable, went viral when Audrey was only 4 and they nailed a routine to “Shake it Off”. With such an impressive track record and resumé built up, it was inevitable that the Rinders would be challenged to a dance-off – in NYC of course.

Following the popularity of this “Can’t Stop the Feeling” awesomeness, Josh and Audrey were invited to the Today Show to face off against two other daddy-daughter dance teams. The fun competition had them sporting a color-coordinated ensemble again – argyle golf pants included! To help them celebrate Father’s Day, they were awarded with gift cards and tickets to a concert.

You can pretty much predict what Audrey’s wedding day dance will be like judging by how much fun she and her dad have been having during her toddler years. We can only expect bigger and better to come! Enjoy watching this video and try to keep up with the choreography if you can.

What do you think of this entertaining video? Do you dance like this when no one’s around? Was this the song of last summer for you too? Share with us in the comments!

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