Fans have given many mixed reviews to the Sex and the City reboot “And Just Like That.” Whether it was Carrie Bradshaw’s reaction to her husband’s heart attack or overdoing the whole “being old” thing, people have found various things to complain about.

However, one of the most talked-about topics is the evolution of Miranda Hobbs’ character. If you haven’t watched the show—stop reading: spoilers ahead!

Throughout the first season, we learn that Miranda’s marriage to fan-favorite Steve is a sinking ship, and along the way, she meets Carrie’s nonbinary boss, Che Diaz. They wind up forming a relationship, leading to Miranda asking Steve for a divorce, after all of those years. If you’ve watched the show for years, it can be hard to deal with such a large change.

Cynthia Nixon, who plays Miranda, thought that her fans’ reactions to her new character was a bit “bizarre.”

“We didn’t’ come back to do stuff we’ve already done, we came back to throw these characters into new situations and let them follow their hearts,” she explains, advocating for the changes in her character.

The show focuses a lot on how the characters have aged, and the changes that brings. After all, do people really need to stay exactly the same decades after decades?

“We’re 55—it’s a moment in women’s lives where they do often kind of reevaluate where they are,” she says. “There’s more behind me than there is left but I’m still plenty young enough that I could actually embark on a whole new adventure.”

The truth is, many people can be uncomfortable with change—but Cynthia explains it well: “We didn’t come back to be boring. You didn’t like us the first time because we were boring—you liked us because we took chances. And that’s what we’re doing.”

It’s true—back in the late 90s, a show surrounding such a hot topic was considered a bit controversial—but isn’t that why it did so well at the time?

The only regret Cynthia has is not prefacing fans with how much this reboot would change from Sex and the City. In fact, she says the show should NOT be considered Sex and the City—it’s a new show for this day and age, and how the characters have evolved over the years.

To hear more of Cynthia’s thoughts on Miranda’s character and the reboot as a whole, check out the video below.

If you watched And Just Like That, we’d love to hear your thoughts on Miranda’s new vibe, and how you liked the show!

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