by Tip Hero Jennifer Lutz

Growing herbs at home is an easy, effective way to add a bit of flavor to your kitchen. Building a kitchen herb garden is affordable and simple, and won’t even take up too much of your time. Just grab a few extra containers or pots you have around the house, some potting soil and some plants, and you’ll soon have your own herb garden right in your kitchen.

1. Contain It

The best thing about most herbs is that they don’t need a lot of space to grow, so you can use containers you have around the house. A mix of mason jars, old cans, and galvanized buckets are an easy way to create an eclectic look. You could even use recycled plastic bottles, cut in half and painted over, for a simple yet colorful touch.

2. Drill Holes for Drainage

Once you’ve chosen your pots, make sure they have proper drainage for your plants. Punch or drill holes in the bottom or on the sides of your containers to guarantee proper seepage. Then, group all of the plants on a plant tray to keep your kitchen counters pristine.

3. Get Plants

There are multiple ways to start a plant. You can use clippings from another plant, buy them grown from a nursery, or start them from seeds if you have the time. If you have an outdoor herb garden, fall is actually a great time to transition your plants from outdoors to indoors to ensure enough growth for the winter season.

Whatever way you choose to start your plants, don’t forget to label them just in case you can’t tell the difference from the leaves. For an easy labeling system, use chalkboard paint and make a strip on your pot. Or, you can use chalk paint on the walls and put the label above the plants for a more creative touch!

4. Use a Good Potting Mix

Instead of potting soil for your herb garden, consider using a potting mix. Potting mixes are mostly made from organic materials, and are also lighter for better drainage. Talk with the local gardening professionals to determine the right potting mix for your plants before buying.

5. Ensure Decent Sunlight

Place your plants in a location where they can get plenty of sunlight, such as the windowsill. When there isn’t much sun inside, take your herbs outside for about five to six hours to ensure they get enough light.

6. Water Properly

Not all plants need the same amount of water, so take note of how much watering your plants require every day or every week. Rosemary, for example, needs regular watering while parsley needs plenty of water but less frequently. One useful tip is to test the top soil for dryness before watering, especially during winter when the temperature drops.

Follow these steps to grow your own kitchen herbs, and before you know it, you’ll be using your own produce for your dishes! When are you starting your own indoor garden?

Jennifer Lutz is the home décor expert at To accent your garden kitchen with a seasonal autumn flare, take a gander at Jennifer’s fall decorating guide here:

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