Looking for a fun, creative dessert to make this Easter? Look no further than these terra cotta potted desserts! These clay pots make the perfect dish to create some rich, delicious chocolate mousse dirt. And what are we planting today? Why some carrots of course! It wouldn’t be Easter without carrots. These carrots are special though – they’re actually chocolate-covered strawberries in disguise. To learn how to make this sweet and adorably festive Easter dessert watch the video below, brought to us by Gemma Stafford over at Bigger, Bolder Baking!

Your guests will be so charmed by their individual pots of “dirt”! Who knew carrots could be so darn delicious.

If you love the idea of terra cotta pot desserts, check out this amazing recipe for a lovely spring flower dessert, too.



• 8 oz Good quality chocolate (72% cocoa solids)
• 1 Tbsp Butter
• ½ Cup Warm water
• 6 Whole Eggs, separated
• Cookie dirt
• 10 Oreo cookies (without the centre)
• Strawberry Carrots
• 8 oz White chocolate chips
• 1 Tbsp Veg/canola oil
• 2 Drops s Orange food coloring


1.Put the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and put over simmer water ( ban Marie) to melt
2.Gently stir until melted
3.Remove rom the heat and cool
4.Whisk the eggs whites in a large clean bowl until stiff peeks form
5.Whisk the egg yolks into the chocolate mix until combined
6.Then gently fold in the egg whites into the chocolate mix also. Start by folding in 1 spoonful to loosen the mix, then fold in the rest
7.Spoon the mousse into your prepared, lined pots. Fill up to the top to make for nice presentation
8.For you cookie ‘dirt’ crumbs
9.In a food processor or with a rolling pin make crumbs with your cookies. Leave some texture in your crumb so it looks like real lumps of dirt
10.For the Strawberry Carrots
11.Gently melt your white chocolate ( if microwaving do short intervals as it burns easily)
12.Mix in the oil and food coloring. If it is a bit too thick then add a little more oil. It should be runny. If you need to add more food coloring do until you reach your desired orange
13.Pull back the hull so you don’t get chocolate in it and it keeps green.
14.Roll the strawberry and the edge of the bowl to get a good, clean coating of chocolate. Lift out, shake off any excess chocolate and lay to set on parchment paper
15.Roll the strawberry in chocolate as close to the hull as possible so you can’t see any strawberry left
16.I drizzled over lines on my carrots to make them look more authentic. Do this using a little piping bag or drizzle the chocolate off a spoon. You may need to reheat the chocolate to thin it out
17.( I know that when you try this you will realize it is not as easy as I make it sound. My first batch looks pretty sad. The second one was much better. You will get the hang of it :)
18.The Assembly
19.Generously scatter the cookie ‘dirt’ over the chocolate mousse
20.Stick the strawberry ‘carrot’ in the dirt so it looks like it’s growing out of the pot
21.To really impress your family and friends, pick up some fun Easter bits at a craft store and decorate a plate with chicks, eggs and all things Easter.
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