Remember the story of the pied piper? The guy who cleared out a rat-infested town by seducing them with his melodies? It’s always amazing to see people who have similar animal-charming skills, getting them to do what they want.

Some people are aware of their abilities, while others find out about theirs by chance. In the video shot below, one man set out to enchant a herd of grazing cows. He didn’t whisper, chat, or play with them. He caught their attention in a different way altogether.

On a sunlight road in Germany, the man whipped out his accordion. An. Accordion. That’s right! It’s one of the hottest instruments on the planet and he wanted to see about rocking out with some cows. As the video starts, the man is standing by a fence post playing while the cows are few yards away minding their grass-eating business.

They weren’t huddled together in a cluster, but spread out around the field. You’ll see a few pop their heads up and look in his direction as a smooth melody soars through the atmosphere. He got ’em.

The accordion beat rocked on, drawing a small crowd of curious onlookers who were now gathered a few feet closer. What’s that sound? It’s not the sound of cowbells ringing, but something else. As the smiling accordion master finished one tune and began to play another, all cow eyes were on him. You could even spot a few tails swinging.

Could this be a modern-day pied cow piper? The upbeat tempo of the new jam had the cows running the through grass to get even closer, but they broke off into two groups. One had formed in front of the musician, looking at him and each other as if they were into it. The other group stood a ways off, cautiously eyeing their entertainment.

But wait! After conferring with each other about the sweet music, all the cows quickly made their way to the front of the fence. What can you do about a herd mentality? Lined up like pumped fans at a Coachella stage, the cows were obviously mesmerized by the music. Everyone stopped eating. Everyone stopped talking.

Totally fixated on the accordion dude, the cows looked like they were scrambling to get a closer listen. That’s what I do when I’m at show. The worst part is being cramped at a standing-room-only gig and not being able to see the stage. Mmmph! That’s what happened here too, but you’ll have to watch the video to see which cows couldn’t handle the frustration of getting stuck in the back row!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think it’s so bad to be serenaded with a live instrument during a meal. Interestingly, studies have been published on the effect of music on cows; it’s said milk production increases.

Take a look at this man have fun watching the cows enjoy his roadside performance. They probably don’t want to come home after this.

Have you ever seen music soothe beasts like these cows before? What did you think of this cute interaction? Tell us in the comments!

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