If you have an upcoming court date looming, then we are sure that you are more than a little nervous about it. After all, who wants to plead their case in front of an imposing judge anyways?

Now, we know we are far from being a legal site, but we have a tip for you today that may just make your experience a whole lot easier. Forget expensive lawyers and fancy suits; bringing your kid to court with you may be the only thing you need to get a fair judgement!

A clip from the real-life court show “Caught in Providence” has put the whole Internet in stitches. Now, if you have seen this program before, then you are surely aware of star Judge Frank Caprio’s fruitful approach to hearing his cases.

This judge may look like an old-school, authoritative type, but he’s actually a big softy. Don’t believe us? Just see what he does when this would-be offender brings his son to court with him.

It all starts out routinely enough, with the judge greeting the defendant. It’s status quo, until Caprio notices a blond Dennis the Menace type peeking out from behind the man.

“Who’s the little guy with you?” Judge Caprio asks.

“Your honor, my son, Jacob,” the defendant replies.

At this point, the judge’s intentions aren’t all that clear. Is he unhappy that this man has brought his son with him to court? We’re a little nervous for the boy, until Caprio starts showing his true colors.

The stern-looking justice’s face quickly softens, and he waves in little Jacob’s direction. It suddenly becomes clear that Caprio wants to put this tyke at ease. After all, courtrooms are, undoubtedly, unfriendly places for anyone, especially a kid.

And while the dad seems grateful for the judge’s sweet display, he looks practically flabbergasted when the justice invites Jacob to sit on the bench with him.

The little boy walks up to Caprio confidently, and plops right on the man’s lap. From there, Jacob answers a line of questioning like a pro. While most kids would be sweating and fumbling over their words in a situation like this, this self-assured 5-year-old tells the judge all about his age, when school starts, and even his professional aspirations.

When Caprio asks Jacob what he wants to be when he grows up, the boy proudly proclaims that he is going to be “a cook.” For some reason, the amused judge thinks this is an unlikely career choice, but the almost-kindergartner quickly defends himself.

“Me and my dad worked at a pizza place,” Jacob explains. “Me and my dad were great cooks.” Noted!

After some more friendly chit-chat, Judge Caprio admits to Jacob that he is having “trouble” with the case.

“I have a situation where your dad is charged with parking on a street up on the East Side,” the judge explains. “I have three choices: I can fine him $90, I can charge him $30, or I can charge him nothing.” After a momentary pause, Judge Caprio looks at Jacob and asks “What do you think I should do?”

Yep, this is when things start getting really juicy! To see Jacob’s unexpected ruling for yourself, be sure to click on the video below. We think this kid should ditch the cooking and became a judge himself—he’s definitely strict enough for the job!

What do you think of Jacob’s judgement? Do you feel it was fair for Judge Caprio to invite the boy to the bench? What do you think of the judge’s “deal”? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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