Something really incredible is happening in the Boston suburb of Newton, Massachusetts; a 2-year-old hearing-impaired girl named Samantha Savitz is living in a neighborhood that is committed to learning American Sign Language. Believe it or not, there are currently 20 neighbors attending regular classes, in hopes that they’ll master the language right along with the little girl.

“This child will always be a child of this neighborhood,’’ Savitz neighbor Terry Novak told The Boston Globe. “We will all be participants in helping her as she grows. We do that with each other’s children. The community is already in place. This is just a new way to express it.’’

In the same interview, Samantha’s mom, Glenda Savitz, expressed just how grateful she and her husband are to their amazing community. “One of the most emotional experiences having [my daughter] is that I really learned about how much support and how much love there is here,’’ Savitz said. “How much I’ve learned about other people.

As it turns out, Sam’s parents aren’t the only ones who are impressed by the outpouring of support, the little girl’s teacher and mentor at The Learning Center for the Deaf in Framingham is equally moved by the commitment.

“It’s an amazing situation that every deaf child should have,’’ Sarah Honigfeld. “I’m thinking about other children who are sent two or four hours away to attend a deaf school because that’s where their community is. She should not be the exception. This should be the standard for a deaf child. It’s not unfortunately.’’

Aaaaand, THIS is what a good neighborhood is all about. We’re so pleased to see a group of people come together and better themselves in the name of communication and inclusivity!

To meet Samantha, her parents, and her many lovely neighbors, be sure to watch the video below.

We’d love to get your take on this heartwarming tale! Are you surprised that this neighborhood has taken on such a mission for its littlest resident? Has your neighborhood ever done something similar before? If so, do you care to share your story?


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