Nothing gets messier as fast as your closet does. Somehow, no matter how hard you try to keep things tidy, your closet tends to be a perpetual disaster. (No judgement, it happens to all of us.)

Never fear, you can bring your closet back from the black hole is has become. All you need are a few clever cleaning tips to take your closet from something disastrous to something divine.

The video below from HGTV Handmade offers seven clever tips to organize your closet like a professional.

1. Single Out Old Clothes

The VERY first step in any closet organization should always be to weed through your clothes. Why? No, not for a fashion show through all your favorite looks. To single out clothing that you no longer wear.

Anything that you haven’t worn in the past four months, anything a little ratty, or anything that no longer fits you, goes. Only toss your clothes if they’re ripped or dirtied beyond help. If they’re in decent shape, make sure to donate them at your local church or shelter!

2. Match Your Hangers

This one seems simple, but it really freshens up the look of your closet. Most of us probably have a mishmash of hangers in our closet; some are stolen from friends, others are from the store you bought the item of clothing at.

Swapping this hanger collection out for a set of matching hangers (like the classic black ones used in this video) make for a chicer, more organized closet.

If you like to use clipped hangers for skirts and pants, feel free to! They may not match exactly, but they’re too handy to banish from your closet. A good way to use these helpful hangers while sticking to the theme is finding clipped hangers that match in some way, like in this instance, black hangers with clips or metal hangers with black clips.

3. Use Multi-Level Hangers

A brilliant closet invention is the multi-level hanger. These hangers are stacked bars that are able to hold several garments at once. Not only are these fantastic for longer garments (like maxi skirts or scarves) but you can save so much closet space by stacking a few items onto this one hanger.

That is a seriously creative way to free up another hanger, don’t you think?


Those tips above were just a few of our favorite pulled from the HGTV video below. Make sure to watch the whole thing to get all of the amazing tips this video has to offer!

What do you think of these organizational techniques? Have they inspired you to finally take control of your messy closet? Share your thoughts on these tips and share your own closet organization tricks in the comments section below.

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