If you live with pets, you’ve probably accepted the fact that pet hair will be gracing your furniture no matter what. It’s one of those inevitable facts of life like aging and gravity. The go-to solution for pet owners is usually to have a LOT of lint rollers on hand. But, as handy as lint rollers can be, it can become expensive, wasteful, and time consuming to roll your entire home until it’s hair-free. Next time you’re cleaning, try this little hack instead and watch the pet hair disappear.

It literally couldn’t be more simple than this cleaning hack. You’ll be wondering why you never thought of it before!

All you need is two tools to get started – one of them we’re pretty sure you have in your home right now.

– A bowl of water
– Cleaning gloves

Put on your handy dandy cleaning gloves. Dip them in the water and then swipe your wet hands over the couch – the hair will come right off.

Now you don’t want the gloves to be soaked…that will make more of a mess than anything. Just dampening them is perfect. And we also suggest having a bag or some area where you can dispose of the hair as it comes off. There will be a lot of it.

What do you think of this quick cleaning hack? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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