Every once in a while we come across a hot, new Christmas decoration that’s so awesome, we just HAVE to share it with you. Full disclosure: we actually do this quite a bit, especially, when it comes to DIY Christmas crafts.

But, while we are firm believers that nothing is more special than something festive and homemade, there are some really awesome holiday decorations on the shelves that simply cannot be crafted at home. Case in point: this inflatable recreation of the iconic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Family Truckster.

Now, if it’s been a hot minute since you’ve seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and can’t remember the significance behind the unlucky family’s unruly vehicle, maybe this will spark your memory:


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Yep, that Family Truckster, the one with the “electric pea green” panels certainly is part of movie history and, luckily, a version is also now available as a Christmas decoration for your front lawn.

Amazon seller, Gemmy, is now shipping orders for its Inflatable National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Station Wagon, an 8-foot-long outdoor decoration that looks so close to the Family Truckster, it may just make passersby do a double-take.

At a whopping 8 feet long, the inflatable Family Truckster is pretty much life-size. According to the seller, it also inflates in a matter of seconds, deflates for easy storage, includes helpful equipment, like lawn stakes and tethers, and requires absolutely no additional parts. Apparently, the assembly for the station wagon is as easy as can be–“plug it in, stake it down and the magic unfolds.”

Now, that is our kind of Christmas decoration!

But, easy-peasy assembly aside, there is one, very real drawback to this product–the inflatable is definitely on the pricey side. Just HOW pricey? Try, a few hundred bucks, pricey!

While there may be some retailers selling this product at a cheaper price elsewhere, the ones on Amazon won’t go any lower than $289 for a standard sale and $349 for Amazon Prime.

We told you these bad boys are expensive! Having said that, we genuinely believe that a few hundred bucks isn’t that bad, considering the utter uniqueness of this Christmas collectible. After all, this inflatable Family Truckster will definitely start WAY more conversations than your standard inflatable polar bear.

(Sorry, inflatable polar bears.)

So, if you are willing to make the splurge and invest in one of the coolest pieces of Christmas movie memorabilia ever, be sure to check it out on Amazon. Time to give your lawn the holiday upgrade that it deserves!

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this must-have Christmas decoration of the 2018 winter season. Are you a fan of the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Station Wagon inflatable? Would you be willing to spend so much of your hard-earned money on this unusual lawn decoration? What’s your all-time favorite Christmas movie–besides National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?


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