There’s a lot to love about Christmas. From the food to the festivities and the decorations, everything seems extra special this time of year.

One of the things we love the most is looking at the wide variety of Christmas decorations, and it seems that the festive decor is on display pretty much everywhere we look – in stores, churches, houses and even schools.

While we love putting up our Christmas tree and hanging stocking by the fireplace, one part of decorating that’s a little bit harder and more time-consuming is decorating outside. Some people choose projected lights, which is a much easier way to decorate than the traditional strings of lights. If you’re going to string lights Chevy Chase-style, you know you need a good ladder and ideally some help.

It seems that every town has those certain houses or certain streets where the houses really go all out when it comes to decorating for the holidays. Every year we enjoy driving in those neighborhoods and looking at the light displays.

If you live in Massachusetts, there’s one house in particular you need to make sure you check out. It’s not every day you see a house covered in about 70,000 LED lights, after all.

Twenty-one year-old Charles Fiore III started decorating his parents’ house back in October. Fiore says, “We worked a lot of weekends and nights until one, two in the morning up on the roof.”

The display starts with a long drive down the driveway which is lined with festive characters like snowmen and Santas. There’s even a turnaround at the end of the driveway to make it easy for spectators to view the lights.

The house itself is completely covered in red and green LED lights which are each spaced exactly 2.5 inches apart. Fiore didn’t use any shortcuts or gimmicks to pull off this impressive display which he leaves on every night until 10pm through the end of the year.

Fiore, who hung his first string of Christmas lights about 14 years ago, believes this is his best display yet. He truly enjoys hanging the lights and seeing how happy it makes people when they see the decorations each year.

If you don’t live in the Wilmington, MA area, the next best thing is seeing the light display in the video below.

Do you take your family to see Christmas lights? How do you decorate your house for Christmas?

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