Just last month we gave you one of the most incredible celebrity red carpet shots we’ve seen in a while: Chrissy Teigen, just about nine months pregnant, in the tightest white dress we’ve ever seen in our life. Of course, the woman is a freakin’ supermodel, so naturally, she looked absolutely stunning in a maternity gown!

But now that a few weeks have passed, we have learned that Chrissy was much further along than she initially thought when that now-iconic red carpet look was captured.

You see, Teigen actually ended up giving birth to her baby three weeks before her scheduled due date, not long after the photo was taken.

Now, if you’ve ever had a little one — or know anything about having little ones — then you’re well aware that these things happen. Sometimes due dates aren’t exactly accurate predictors, and other times babies just like to make appearances early.

In the case of this little guy – whom Teigen and her husband, John Legend, named Miles – it was the latter.

As a matter of fact, Teigen seems to think that the beautiful baby boy decided to come out of the womb early because the little tyke realized that he had pretty much won the genetic lottery: a hilarious and smart supermodel and a dashing singer-songwriter were going to be his parents!

We’re not going to lie— if Chrissy Teigen and John Legend were our parents, we’re pretty sure that we would be excited to come into this world, too. Sorry, Mom and Dad!

In a now-viral Instagram post, Tiegen posted the above photo of Miles looking absolutely content in the arms of his momma, along with this brilliant caption:

Today was your original due date but you heard how cool we are since that’s all we talk about (how cool we are) and you wanted to see what all the fuss was about, 3 weeks early. Well we tricked u! We are boring AF but we love you!

OK, let’s get one thing straight, Chrissy— there’s NO way that you and your amazingly talented husband, John Legend, are “boring AF” as you like to put it. C’mon, we see you dressed up to the nines, going to premiere after premiere, writing cookbooks, selling millions and millions of platinum albums. If you think your life is “boring AF,” then let us show you our lives. We’ll show you “boring AF!”

But, all jokes aside, we’re grateful to Chrissy for sharing such a beautiful shot of her handsome son, Miles. We’re so happy to hear that this little guy is healthy, despite his early arrival. Something tells us that he’s going to have quite the exciting upbringing in the Legend household!

Now that you know about the Instagram post heard ’round the world, it’s time for you to watch today’s video. In it, you’ll get to catch some pretty awesome glimpses of the supermodel momma–right before Miles came into the picture. Get ready for some seriously aspirational maternitywear shots!

What are your thoughts on Chrissy Tiegen’s hilarious Instagram post? Did you have your baby three weeks early, like Chrissy? Are you a fan of the celebrity couple?

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