Valentine’s Day is almost here, and for many people that means a romantic dinner, a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. For children, it often means exchanging Valentines with their classmates and making heart-shaped art projects.

While hearts and Cupid are synonymous with Valentine’s Day, so are the colors red and pink. We often see heart-shaped pink and red decor to celebrate the most romantic holiday of the year.

Kraft-Heinz decided they wanted to get in on the Valentine’s Day celebration by turning one of their popular food items pink, and we’re not sure how we feel about it. The item in question is Kraft mac & cheese, which is normally an orange color and tastes like, well, cheese.

Kraft-Heinz announced a contest where 1,000 winners will be sent a kit to make pink mac & cheese. The kits will arrive in time for Valentine’s Day, and if they were only going to turn the food pink, we might be on board. After all, it’s just a color. It would taste the same anyway, right?

Wrong. The company went a step further and decided that changing the color from orange to pink wasn’t enough. The flavor needed to change too. Instead of tasting like cheese, it will taste like candy.

We assume this is one of those things you have to taste to understand. How cheese and noodles tasting like candy can be a good thing, we’re not quite sure; although, kids will probably love it. It sounds kind of like a concoction our kids might whip up in the kitchen. You know, like dumping marshmallows or chocolate chips in the mac and cheese.

Kraft-Heinz even admits the combination sounds a little odd at first. On the website where you can enter the contest for the limited edition product, it reads, “Sure it sounds a little strange, but hey, love makes people do strange things.”

This isn’t the first time Kraft mac & cheese has had a questionable limited edition flavor. In October, the company released a limited edition pumpkin spice flavor mac & cheese product.

If you would like to enter for your chance to win pink candy-flavored mac & cheese, you can do so here.

Do you think candy-flavored mac & cheese sounds good? What do you usually do to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Are you going to enter to win this limited edition mac & cheese? If you win, who would you share it with?

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