Let’s face it—mommy shaming is a real thing, and a real issue mamas deal with on the regular. Some moms love to judge and critique other moms about how they mother, whether it’s breastfeeding in public, letting your tired arms rest while your baby stretches on the ground—really just all the things that another mom doesn’t agree with.

And while regular moms feel the grunt of this on the daily, mommy-shaming even affects celebrity moms too. Recently, Brittany Aldean, wife of country singer Jason Aldean, had an onslaught of Instagram hate after posting a few recent photos while the two enjoyed a tropical vacation.

The shaming began when Brittany first shared a photo of her on the plane getting ready to leave Nashville for their getaway. The photos shows Brittany staring lovingly at a photo of her 3-month-old son, Memphis, with the caption “Haven’t even left Nashville and I miss him so much it hurts.”

While there were some moms telling her they feel her pain of missing her son but to go have fun, the majority of the posts were bashing Brittany for even being physically and emotionally able to leave her son behind.

“Great mom right there. Who would want to leave their new baby? Yeah, great mom. Super awesome,” one mom posted.

“I couldn’t do that. I would be crying. My son is 20 months now and the most I’ve ever left him is when I’m at work during the day. Smh. I couldn’t imagine leaving my 3-month-old. No way,” another mom said.

You get the drift. The comments aren’t pretty.

Well Brittany wasn’t having it. She clapped back at the haters in the best way. See the below picture for how she responded!

First, let’s talk about this adorable photo of the couple enjoying their vacation. We’re glad the hate she got didn’t stop her from having fun.

In her comment, she defends her case—that being a parent is hard work and you need a little adult time sometime. There’s no shame in that. Secondly, she tells the people shaming her that she won’t tolerant their hateful comments and they can unfollow her.

She’s basically reiterated what we learned in kindergarten (and what so many people still can’t understand): If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. It’s still entirely relevant advice no matter how old we all get!

Brittany also thanked the commenters who were supporting her and telling her to enjoy her time away. Here’s a few of those, because they made us smile:

“Enjoy your vacation! Memphis is in great hands! Mom & Dad need time away together! Take the time through the years! Very important. Be safe and have fun,” was a remark from one positive commenter.

“He misses you too and it will make coming home that much sweeter—but for now, relax and recharge and enjoy some time with your hubby!” said another.

We’re glad there’s still some support here. Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world, and it only makes it harder when you’re surrounded by negativity and shaming.

It’s so clear that Brittany and Jason love their son—her Instagram is basically a shrine to him anyway! She made sure to post a picture of his adorable smiling face the moment they got back home with the caption “Back with my baby.”

What do you think—do you think Brittany deserved the mommy shaming she got for wanting to spend some quality time with her husband? What are your thoughts on taking a vacation three months after giving birth?

Have you ever been mommy shamed before, or seen comments mommy shaming someone for something you didn’t agree with? Tell us what you do in these tough situations!

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