The following tip we found on Apartment Therapy seemed pretty straightforward at first. But then, we realized that the simple act of taking a photo with your phone can actually be a lifesaver in hundreds, maybe thousands, of situations. The epiphany struck Apartment Therapy’s Jennifer Hunter at the dry cleaner’s:

True story: my dry cleaner is a genius. As I stood at his counter recently, emptying my mess of a wallet in search of the tiny ticket that would allow him to find my items, he said three little words to me and a lightbulb went off above my head. “Next time,” he said, “take a photo.”

So I did. In fact, I’ve become a photo-taking machine. [I] snap a pic and, once I’ve collected my cleaning etc, delete it. Deleting that photo always feels good, like a checking a task off my to-do list.

Did you find a bottle of wine that you like or a book you want to look up? Or maybe you need to know what’s in your pantry the next time you go shopping and find a good sale? Or maybe you just need to remember where you parked your car so you can find it later? Snapping a picture seems like a simple idea, but it really can save you a ton of headaches and potentially money as well!

When has snapping a simple photo of something helped you out?

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