Nate and Isaac are safety patrol officers at Coppergate Elementary School in Middleburg, Florida, and they have lots important jobs to complete every day. Beyond patrolling the school grounds to make sure students are safe and obeying the rules, they have one duty that they have to complete at the end of every school day.

Little did they know that this daily duty would be photographed and go insanely viral not just through their community, but nationwide.

One day, a miserable storm was happening in the area, and it was absolutely pouring outside. Despite the terrible downpour and the strong gusts of wind, the boys still felt obligated to go outside and do their final safety patrol job.

That job? Taking down the American flag in the schoolyard, neatly folding it, and bringing it inside.

The 11-year-old boys patiently and reverently folded the flag through the drenching rain. Coppergate Elementary School media specialist, Kim Miskowski, noticed that they were still outside doing their end-of-the-day duty and had to snap a picture.

Once she snapped the photo, she posted it online and wrote on the school’s Facebook page:

“Not only did they bring the flag down, they also stood in the wind and rain and calmly completed the 13 folds. Then Nate protected the flag as he walked with honor and respect to retire it for the day.”

Nate’s parents served in the military, and the young man told FOX 30 that he and Isaac braved the rain because it was “the respectful thing to do.”

The photos of the soaking wet boys carefully folding the flag pretty instantly went viral. Commenters and school officials praised the pair for their:

“…responsibility, respect, devotion to duty, and love of country.”

Miskowski told Fox 30:

“They were folding the flag reverently. They were reverent. And they were doing 13 folds…and you know, our country is in a little bit of turmoil…it just struck me. When they walked away they held it…cradled it to protect it. And it was just a moment that was meant to be, I think.”

The Facebook post has since been shared over 1,400 times, and hundreds of people have praised the boys for showing such respect for the American flag.

What do you think of these boys’ patriotic act? Make sure to share your thoughts with us!

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