There’s nothing worse than the feeling you get when your dog goes missing. Hopefully, you don’t have to deal with that in your life, but unfortunately it does happen—and it does stink.

If your dog runs away, your mind probably races with a million different thoughts: Is he okay? What if he’s hurt? What if he’s trying to make it home but doesn’t know how? What if something terrible happens to him? Will I ever see him again? I miss him! I love him! What will I do without him?

The thoughts are just too much to bear, honestly. We’re getting a little teary-eyed even thinking about how we’d feel if our own dog went missing.

The only good part about a dog going missing (if there is one) is when the dog comes back and is reunited with their owner.

A 6-year-old boy named Kahne had to endure the unfortunate event of having his dog, Kase, run away.

“On December 4, our dog Kase went missing,” Paula Williams, Kahne’s mother, said. “We let him outside to go to the bathroom and when we went to let him in he was gone. My son cried and we went searching up and down the street, but couldn’t find him.”

Days and even weeks went by. There was a snow storm. The family was wondering how Kase was doing, but were starting to lose hope in finding him.

However, a little over a month later, on January 8, fate struck. Paula was stopped in her car behind a school bus when she noticed two girls get off the bus and run straight to hug a dog. Her dog!

“I saw two little girls get off and then saw Kase run up to them. So I pulled in and said, ‘That’s my son’s dog,’” Paula said.

When she went to the house where she saw Kase, she was grateful to confirm that it was in deed Kase, and thankfully, he had been taken care of the entire time.

“The family said that the dog had come to their house, so they took him in, fed him and gave him a warm place to say,” she said. “If they wouldn’t have taken him in we don’t know what would have happened.”

Paula decided to surprise Kahne with Kase’s return when he got home from school that day and filmed his reaction. Get out that box of tissues!

“We’ve had pets since my son was born and he has grown up with them, but he’s never bonded with an animal like has with Kase,” said Paula. “I had to stop myself from crying in that moment. This was his dog. My son picked him out from the litter and from that day on he said that was his puppy.”

To see the amazingly heartwarming moment when Kahne is reunited with his best friend, Kase, check out the video below!

How sweet is this story? We’re so glad Kase was found. Have you ever had a dog go missing? What did you do to find him?

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