Tradition suggests that Black Friday dollars are spent on a good cause – buying holiday gifts for loved ones. So we were surprised to discover that a bunch of shoppers are turning convention on its head and snatching up Black Friday loot for themselves.

There’s a serious gender gap when it comes to buying presents for yourself on Black Friday. While it’s true that 44% of our poll respondents said they’d mostly be shopping for themselves on Black Friday, the number swelled to 51% – more than half! – when we just looked at answers from guys.

The ladies, on the other hand, were more likely to say they’d be shopping for others; 59% said they were shopping for children or relatives, as opposed to just 25% who will be buying mainly for themselves. That said, the men were also more likely to be shopping for a spouse: 15% of males said they were shopping for a significant other, as opposed to just 7% of females who said the same.

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