While it’s only fair to say that all births are blessed events, there are some that are, simply put, more remarkable than others. Take the case of Carleigh Brooke Corbitt, for instance. This baby isn’t just making headlines for being adorable (which she most certainly is), it’s her large size that has got everyone talking.

Believe it or not, mother of four Chrissy Corbitt gave birth to a baby girl that was 13.5 POUNDS! To put it into perspective, the average newborn usually weighs in at around 7.5, which means this little one (or big one!) was just much larger, to say that least.

As a matter of fact, though the OB/GYN had an idea that her baby would be on the larger side, the results were still rather shocking. Chrissy reported that, during the C-section, she could hear the doctors and nurses laughing and “excited” about the newborn. It turns out that this was the biggest baby that many of them had ever delivered.

The Orange Park, Florida mother is no stranger to carrying and giving birth to big babies. You see, the kick butt momma has delivered three other larger-than-average infants—each one weighing in at about 10 pounds apiece.

So, although Chrissy is pretty much a seasoned professional when it comes to the subject of big kids, she readily admits that this event, in particular, was rather shocking.

In an interview with ABC News, the proud mother recalled her surprised reaction to her daughter’s entrance into the world. She said, “It looked like they pulled a toddler out of my belly. She’s so big.” Yikes! Could you imagine?!

It probably comes as no surprise that with a big baby come some confusing logistical problems, aside from the birth. Once both Chrissy and her husband Larry realized that their daughter wouldn’t fit into any of her newborn diapers or clothes, they had to write to the companies to see if they could exchange their purchases for 6-month-old sizes!

Now, we know what some of you may be saying—she just has to have been late, right? Well, what if we told you that baby Carleigh was actually born 5 days BEFORE her due date?

“She could’ve been a way bigger baby than what she was. It was crazy. Chrissy wasn’t gaining any weight for the past 3 weeks of her pregnancy. It was just Carleigh gaining weight,” Larry said.

While Carleigh’s birth weight was certainly abnormally high, we are happy to report that both mother and baby are doing just fine. Chrissy stated that her baby is “filled with rolls” and that the family is really getting a kick out of their new member’s “overnight celebrity.”

Talk about a big baby—we don’t know how that mother did it! To see even more mind-blowing photos of this sumo-sized infant, be sure to watch the video below.

What do you think of baby Carleigh? Have you ever given birth to a large baby? If so, what was your experience like?

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