Scientists are predicting one of the best meteor showers of the year this weekend.

The Perseids, a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle, will be on display in the night sky August 10th – 13th. The meteor shower is named after the Perseus constellation and is powered by the debris left from the Switft-Tuttle comet, a comet that orbits the sun every 133 years. Like most comets, parts break off leaving a string of floating debris behind.

This year, a number of favorable conditions will make for spectacular viewing. First and foremost, the phase of the moon is favorable, meaning darker skies and better viewing conditions. Another positive factor is how close the Perseids meteor shower will be to earth this year.

Check the forecast in your area for cloud cover. Best viewing typically starts three hours after sunset when the sky really darkens. This shower can produce 60-70 meteors per hour at its peak.

Many scientists are forecasting this to be the most impressive meteor shower of 2018. One useful tool to find a good spot to stargaze is the University of Colorado’s Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness.

Nothing beats nature for an awe-inspiring light show.

Will you be watching the Perseid meteor shower this weekend? Where will you be watching from?

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