I don’t know about you, but swiping on a bit of colorful eye shadow in the morning really helps me get out and face the day! Though the makeup can surely be empowering, sometimes it’s difficult to know which tones look best. Fortunately, we’ve got a great video today courtesy of The Body Shop UK that helps to show which hues match – and juxtapose! – each unique eye color.

Helen, a makeup artist with The Body Shop, starts off the instructional portion of the video by telling us that we should think of makeup in terms of art. She says, “If you think back to your art classes, you’ll remember the three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. These are the building blocks for any artists, including makeup artists.” We’re following you, Helen.

She goes on to explain, “The three primary colors can be mixed together to create secondary colors; these are orange, purple, and green. “ She says that all of these colors form the color wheel, and when mixed together, they can be used to complement anyone’s eyes.

Hey, I’ve never quite thought about makeup like that before!

So when it comes to eye shadow, it’s best to brush on either a complementary or a contrasting shade.

Complementary shades are shades that are similar to your natural eye color. For instance, if your eyes are blue, then you would want to go for an eye shadow that has a predominantly blue hue.

You will find that both your eye color and your eye shadow shade will be found next to each other on the color wheel.

On the other hand, your eyes will also look gorgeous if you use a contrasting shade—a shade that it quite different from your natural color. Choosing these can be a bit tricky, so here’s a good rule of thumb: identify your natural eye color, then take a look at what’s on the direct opposite end of the color wheel.

For instance, if you have green eyes, purples, reds, and oranges will really help to make them pop!

Here’s a nice little cheat sheet to make your morning makeup routine a tad easier:

For blue eyes, choose either:

For green eyes, choose either:

For hazel eyes, choose either:

For brown and gray eyes, try your best to look closely at your irises, and identify the lighter flecks of color; you can then use those as your base tone. If you have very dark eyes then, as Helen says, “You’re lucky! Most eye colors suit you.” Score!

For more tips on choosing your perfect eyeshadow color, as well as help on general application, be sure to watch The Body Shop UK’s video below!

What do you think about these eye shadow color tips? Do you have a favorite hue that complements your eyes well? What’s your favorite brand of eye makeup? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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