The Secret Behind Making the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

When it comes to the definition of the “the best chocolate chip cookie,” the answer varies depending on who you ask. Some like their cookies to be ooey-gooey and soft (that’s me!), some love them crispy with a soft center and others love them cakey. Whichever way you like yours, there are simple answers for baking the cookies you dream about. All it takes in most cases is a simple tweak of the basic chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Ozy provides the scientific information you need to tweak your cookies to perfection. Take a look:

  • Ooey-gooey: add 2 more cup of flour (Editor’s note: or bake cookies for less time – 7 1/2 minutes usually works for me!)
  • Crispy with a soft center: use 1/4 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • Thick (and less crispy): freeze batter for 30-60 minutes before baking in the oven. This will solidify the butter so it will spread less when the cookies bake
  • Cakey: use more baking soda