The end of the month is typically the best time to buy a car (a day or two before the end of the month), as sales people are often trying to hit their monthly numbers/targets and make their quota and will be more willing to negotiate and give in to your requests if it means getting a deal done. And if you’re really looking for a good deal, some suggest going the last day of the year, as it’s sort of a double-whammy for the industry: trying to meet end of the month numbers as well as end of the year numbers.

Another way to try to time things to be in your favor is to not only go to the dealership at the end of the month, but also to do so at the tail-end of bad weather. If there have been a number of days of bad weather and not much traffic into the dealership, and you combine it with the end of the month, you might find some pretty desperate sales people doting over you.

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