Looking to up your baking game this St. Patrick’s Day? If you feel like you want to challenge yourself to make more than cut and bake St. Paddy’s cookies, try this elegant and delicious meringue roulade, a lovely holiday treat that looks as great as it tastes. For an even sweeter twist, Gemma Stafford of Bigger Bolder Baking shows us how to add a banana and butterscotch touch to this already amazing dessert. Watch the video below and learn how to make this unique, indulgent dessert for your friends and family this St. Patrick’s Day!

If you were wondering, meringue IS a classic Irish treat! Although I can’t speak to it’s origins, light and fluffy meringue is a favorite touch for Irish desserts, making this roulade perfect for St. Paddy’s Day. If you’re looking for other recipes perfect for the holiday, check out some of our favorites here!



– 5 egg whites, at room temp
– 10 oz sugar
– Pinch of Salt
– 4 cups of whipped cream (2 liquid cups)
– 2 bananas, sliced

– 150ml Cream
– 2 oz Butter
– 3 oz Dark, soft brown sugar
– Pinch of salt


1. Preheat your oven to 350oF. Line a 13″ x 9″ baking sheet with parchment ( not grease proof or waxed)
2. Whisk egg whites in large bowl until soft peaks form. Adding a pinch of salt helps them whip better.
3. Gradually add 1 tablespoon of sugar at a time, beating until meringue is stiff and shiny.
4. Spread meringue evenly in prepared baking sheet. Bake until pale golden, about 20 Minutes. Bake until meringue is slightly firm to touch on top but soft inside. Set aside to go cool.
5. Lay Cling wrap over the cold meringue. Place a wire wrack on top of that and flip it over. The baking sheet will be facing you now. lift away the baking sheet. Gently take away the wire wrack from underneath the roulade. It might stick to the cling wrap but don’t be nervous, you can do it!
6. Carefully peel off the parchment paper. Dont worry if you have some holes, all fixable.
7. Spread the cream all over the surface of the meringue (the side that had the paper on)
8. Scatter the sliced banana all over the cream
9. To roll the Roulade: Using the cling film as your guide, starting at 1 long side, gently roll up meringue jelly-roll style, enclosing filling. Place roulade, seam side down, on platter.
10. Still using the cling wrap, lift the roll onto your serving platter. then dispose of it.
11. Dust liberally with Icing sugar (to cover any cracks :) ) and drizzle over the butterscotch sauce.
12. When serving, pour extra butterscotch sauce.

1. Combine all ingredients in a heavy bottomed pot.
2. Over low heat cook until the sugar has dissolved, do not boil
3. Bring the sauce to a simmer for 2 minutes

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