There is almost always some sort of clash between generations, and this is somewhat understandable since different generations grow up with different circumstances. What’s annoying is when one generation assumes that other generations should be able to do things the way they used to be done. It’s not always that easy.

Yes, we’re talking about Boomers. If you’re a Boomer, you can take this post as a form of education about how much things have changed since you were a young adult. If you’re a Millennial, you are probably going to relate to the following rant.

One young man posted a rant about why the things Boomers say to him annoy him so much. He started by giving real life examples of things the older generation was able to do that simply isn’t possible for his generation.

Then, he switched gears to explain what the reality is like for his generation. As he points out, things have gotten a lot more expensive, and providing the type of lifestyle Boomers seem to expect is much, much harder if not impossible for Millennials.

Next, he brings up the topic of student loans and just how hard it is to pay them off.

Lastly, he turns the topic back to Boomers saying that his generation isn’t to blame for the younger generation’s circumstances. Guess who he points at – Boomers. His generation didn’t make the decisions that are negatively impacting the lives of Millennials. Millennials are simply living with the consequences of decisions Boomers made.

Do you relate to this rant? Do you think anyone is to “blame” for how hard some young adults are struggling to make ends meet? Have you ever gotten into an argument with another generation because they don’t have a realistic view of your circumstances?

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