Sure, packing a suitcase can be a trying endeavor, but we rarely take the time to consider what to wear on the way to our destinations. It’s actually quite silly, if you think about it, considering that the clothing we choose to wear on a plane can have the power to dictate our overall flying experience.

Now, we’re not just talking about comfort here (though that does play a part in it). Our main point is that your wardrobe can literally make or break your travel day in terms of wait times, treatment by airline staff, and even your health. Don’t believe us? Just take a gander at these 7 items that you SHOULDN’T wear on an airplane and you’ll quickly see what we mean!

  1. Perfume

    This goes for scented lotions, body sprays, colognes, and aftershaves, too— sorry, guys. While we understand that long-haul flights may not leave you feeling “fresh,” bathing in perfume in an airport bathroom is not a considerate way to fix the situation.

    You see, strong, artificial scents are known to trigger asthma attacks, migraines, and even skin allergies in some people— and those “some people” could just be one of your row-mates. Better to go au naturel and save your fellow passengers from potential pain and suffering.

  2. Clothing with offensive text

    It may SEEM like a no-brainer, but some passengers have been known to push the envelope when it comes to their fashion choices, namely their message or graphic t-shirts. Each and every airline has a strict policy when it comes to dress code, and if they feel that you, as a passenger, are promoting something overtly sexual, offensive, or violent, then they reserve their right to kick you off the plane.

  3. Incomplete Outfits

    Picture this: it’s 3:00 a.m. and you are quickly getting dressed so that you can make it in time to catch your crack-of-dawn flight. It’s chilly on planes, so you throw on a sweater and pair of jeans and call it a day. Not a bad idea as far as keeping warm goes, but you forgot one important item— the one that goes UNDER your hoodie.

    Many times, airport security will ask you to remove bulky outerwear, which means you could be walking through a metal detector in a too-revealing camisole or even— gasp!— nothing at all. In that case, you will have to alert the agent about your predicament and they will take you into a room for a private exam. No thanks!

  4. Tight Clothing

    Ultra-skinny jeans have been known to compromise circulation on land, so imagine what they can do 30,000 feet up in the air.

    According to a study conducted by the University of Washington Medical Center, tight clothing, especially the kind that constricts at the top seams, like socks, jeans, and nylons, should never be worn on a plane. You see, donning particularly tight items leaves passengers at a higher risk of suffering deep vein thrombosis— i.e. a blood clot. Not the best way to kick off a vacation!

  5. Metal Hair Clips

    If you have beautiful, long hair, then chances are you like to wear it up when traveling. It’s a good choice as worrying about getting your hair snagged in something is probably not on your list of “things to do” on those busy travel days.

    Just the same, putting your hair up with the help of accessories— i.e. bobby pins, metal clips (like the ones shown above), hair claws, and even headbands— are known to set off metal detectors. So, unless you want to deconstruct your hard work in front of a line full of impatient passengers, we suggest using a hair band instead. Better safe than sorry!

  6. Contact Lenses

    Anyone who has flown before knows that those airplane cabins can be particularly dry, an uncomfortable feature that can lead to dehydration.

    For contact lens wearers, this lack of humidity is an uncomfortable reality as the dryness can make you feel like your contacts are literally being fused onto your eyeballs— not a great sensation! So, instead of popping those lenses in the morning before your flight, opt to wear your glasses instead.

  7. Ultra-Casual Clothing

    Did you know that the more snazzily-dressed you are at the gate, the more likely you are to receive an upgrade? It’s not a detail that any airline would go out and promote, but according to industry insiders, putting a bit of effort into how you look can make your flight just THAT much more luxurious. So, ditch the sweatpants and maybe enjoy first class!

Definitely something to think about as we head into the holiday travel season! We’d love to hear your thoughts on airplane wardrobe options. Do you agree with the items on this list? Do you have any of your own that you would like to add? What is your go-to travel outfit?

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