It’s that beautiful time of year where you may be enjoying the weather but cursing those darned allergies. If your symptoms are giving you the springtime blues, don’t immediately rely on pricey medications like Claritin. Take a look at some ideas for fighting allergy symptoms frugally:

Eat an Allergy-Friendly Diet

Did you know that there are foods out there that naturally suppress spring allergy symptoms? According to The Simple Dollar’s research:

One of the most common of these is quercetin, which is a naturally-occurring flavonoid that has been shown in many studies to inhibit inflammation and may also reduce both nasal and ocular pollinosis. (Ocular pollinosis – watery eyes during a heavy pollen period – is the one spring allergy symptom I seem to get.)

Including foods that contain quercetin, like red online, tomatoes and spinach, in your diet should help keep those symptoms at bay. Green and black teas are also wonderful at combatting allergy annoyances.

Take Showers at Night

For those of you who are daytime showerers, you’ll want to consider showering at night. Doing this will wash away the pollen that got attached to your skin throughout the day, giving you an allergy-free night of sleep.

How do you combat allergy symptoms frugally? Find one more idea over at The Simple Dollar’s Three Big Tips for Inexpensive Spring Allergy Relief.

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