Have you ever driven your dog to a fun place, like the park—or a not-so-fun place, like the vet—and realized somewhere along the way that he knew exactly where he was headed?

It’s an incredible experience, to say the least, and one that makes us realize that “man’s best friend” is pretty darn smart. Well, today we have a clip for you that serves as the perfect illustration of this canine phenomenon.

The viral video kicks off with a dog-owner taking his four German shorthaired pointers for a ride. The interior looks like that of a clown car; these pups are BIG and, like most dogs, they’re not exactly forgiving when it comes to sharing space.

The owner looks around and asks his dogs, “Alright y’all, where are we going?” Now, if you have clever pups at home, then you know that a question like this can elicit polarizing responses—either the canine will look at you like you’re crazy, or he will, suddenly, know EXACTLY where he is going.

In this case, the pooches have a pretty good idea of where they are headed—and boy, are they excited!

Here’s a bit of context via the dog daddy himself:

“One day this past summer I decided to take my dog and my parents’ dogs out to the quarry where they have been going since they were all just little puppies. Every single time they are taken to the quarry, when they are just around the corner they start howling because they are so excited and this time was no exception. They don’t stop until the vehicle is parked.”

The incredible memory of canines

Over the years, we’ve shown you countless examples of dogs remembering owners who have been away for years on end, only to be reunited with mutts who haven’t forgotten them, so it comes as no surprise to us that the animals have great memories.

In an article published by Live Science, Monique Udell, an Oregon State University animal and rangeland sciences assistant professor explains that dogs’ memories are generally tied to specific needs, more specifically—and perhaps unsurprisingly—food!

“If someone walks by a trash can and throws away a hamburger, you might not see it anymore, but [dogs] can remember that there was a hamburger, and they can look [for it] the last place they saw it,” Udell said.

Now, we don’t know whether or not these four doggies previously found a snack in their favorite quarry, but it’s clear that their scavenger instincts sure did kick in once they realized where their human was taking them. Interesting stuff!

Now that you know all about this incredible display of canine memory, it’s time for you to watch the viral video for yourself. To see these four cute pups’ exhilarating car ride, be sure to click on the video below. Warning: you may want to turn your volume down before you listen to this one—these dogs sure do get loud!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this sweet clip. Does your pet have a great memory? Where is your dog’s all-time favorite place to visit? Do you think the prospect of food enhances memory in pups?

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