For the individuals and families of the more than 3 million Americans per year that are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the finding can be terrifying, especially considering the fact that scientists have yet to uncover a cure for the disease.

Nevertheless, groundbreaking care options, which may lessen or delay symptoms at the onset, have expanded in recent years. Because of this, it’s imperative that you or your loved one seek treatment as soon as the first signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia set in.

So, if you have noticed any of the below changes, get in touch with a trusted doctor for an assessment as soon as you can.

  1. Memory Loss

    It’s only natural to experience age-related memory loss, like forgetting a person’s name or misplacing a pair glasses, but the memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s is usually much more severe.

    For example, the sufferer may get lost while navigating an area that they know very well, forget common words, or even ask the same questions over and over again within a matter of minutes.

    Though there are many symptoms associated with the disease, memory loss is one that tends to worsen as time goes on, or when left untreated.

  2. Poor Judgement

    There’s a reason why those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other dementias need constant monitoring and support, even when in the diseases’ early stages. Simply put, sufferers lose their ability to make good decisions.

    Examples can range from wearing flip flops on a snowy day to missing an appointment because he or she lost track of time to, in some cases, even breaking laws, like shoplifting or causing traffic accidents.

    While the aforementioned actions may be worrisome, there is one that can be particularly devastating. It should come as no surprise that Alzheimer’s and dementia patients have a long history of making damaging financial mistakes.

    In the earliest stages, the disease may reveal itself in an unpaid bill or unusual spending practices. As things progress, sufferers may fall victim to predatory financial scams to which they would otherwise pay no attention.

  3. Withdrawal from Social Activities

    Another common indicator of Alzheimer’s or other dementias is withdrawal from either friends and family or work. Interestingly, because we are all prone to emotional ups and downs, there are times when, for patients’ loved ones, the disease may appear to be something as benign as a case of “the blues”.

    For instance, a sufferer may excuse themselves from social obligations like family get-togethers, something that may seem common enough, but the behavior could eventually progress into complete withdrawal from all social activities.

    As this sign can be rather tricky to read, it’s important to pay close attention to the changing habits of loved ones, especially the elderly.

These are definitely important behaviors to look out for! For even more symptoms, as well as advice on how to find the best care for you or your loved one, be sure to watch the video below.

Did any of these symptoms surprise you? Have you been affected by Alzheimer’s or other dementias? Would you like to add any symptoms to this list?

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