As you’ve probably heard ad nauseam, the Target holiday hack has caused quite a ruckus. With 40 million debit and credit cards stolen and 70 million customers affected, it’s possible that you could also be affected by this if you’ve recently shopped at Target. Here are some tips for being on your guard and not falling prey to potential scams:

Be on Your Guard

If criminals have your information, you could be contacted via fake phone calls, email and letters. Even if these look or sound official, don’t buy it.

Instead, take the advice of NTT Com Security consultant Chris Camejo and go directly to the source. If a person calls you, claims to be with your bank and says you’ve been affected by the Target hack, hang up. Then call the bank number on your credit card to resolve the issue.

Similarly, if you get an email that seems official, don’t click on any links. If it claims to be Target, just go to Target is posting all true communication with customers there. If it claims to be your bank or anyone else, ignore the email and go straight to the Target website. Type in the address yourself.

Make a Phone Call

If you’re worried that criminals have your information, contact Target yourself and let them know you’ve shopped there and could be at risk for fraud. They could issue you a new card or PIN as a precaution. The number to call is 866-852-8680.

Sign Up for Fraud Monitoring

To easily keep an eye on your finances, take advantage of a free year of credit monitoring. For the next three months, Target will be allowing you to sign up for this service.

Check out more helpful advice over at CNN Money’s Target hack: Tips for all customers.

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