Acid reflux and GERD are conditions that get quite a lot press these days, and it’s all due to one, very sad truth: at any given time, a whopping 18-28% of adults are currently suffering from the illnesses. Are you part of that group? Yep, us, too and, for the record, it’s NOT fun. Not fun at all!

But before we get too deep into that rabbit hole, let’s first take the time to get our facts straight…

Although you may not always hear them referred to interchangeably, acid reflux and GERD are exactly the same things. If you have been diagnosed with GERD, you have been diagnosed with acid reflux and vice versa.

The symptoms of this condition tend to be pretty annoying. Typically, patients experience burning in the chest (i.e. heartburn), a sour taste at the back of the throat, and, in chronic cases, difficulty breathing, wheezing, trouble swallowing, and a persistent dry cough.

Though GERD can be caused by a host of different factors, including genetics and smoking, many sufferers feel that stress is usually the main culprit.

Ways to take control of your painful acid reflux symptoms

If you’ve been struggling with that terrible burning and tell-tale acidic taste, it’s time that you begin seeking treatment for your symptoms. Of course, the absolute first thing that you need to do is visit your doctor. Though the condition is rarely dangerous, the symptoms are known to mimic more serious illnesses. Better to be safe than sorry!

After you’ve gotten the “OK” from your doc, there are plenty of safe and effective home remedies that you can try on your own.

Begin by ensuring that you are giving your body enough time to start the digestion process before you head to bed. This means that you shouldn’t even think of turning in if you have eaten in the last two hours. In particularly severe cases, sleeping semi-propped up can keep that pesky acid from rising up the esophagus.

In addition to healthy sleep practices, you can also swap out your normal hot drinks for chamomile, a tea that has been proven to soothe the esophageal lining and treat sour stomachs. Ginger—yes, even the candied kind!— works wonders, too.

If you need quick relief, mix about half to a full teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water. We find this method to be particularly effective, but because the powder is high in salt, it’s not one that should be repeated for long-term use.

The condition sure can be tough to handle, but we hope that you’ll take our advice and try some of these effective acid reflux remedies!

To learn even more about acid reflux, or GERD, be sure to watch the video below. In it, you’ll meet a doctor who gives a detailed explanation on how the condition affects the body—a must for those who suspect they may be suffering from it. If this sounds like your life, it’s definitely time that you make an appointment with a trusted medical professional soon!

Do you suffer from acid reflux? If so, have you been able to find relief? What has your doctor told you about how to treat the condition?

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