No matter the time of year, we can always use more tips when it comes to keeping a clean and organized home. These great tips were some of the best compiled by Woman’s Day from 2014, and we’re sure you’ll want to incorporate them into your cleaning routine ASAP.

  1. Try a Spice Rack in the Bathroom:

    Screw a spice rack to your wall to store those things you use on a normal basis, like face wash, nail polish and other toiletries.

  2. Don’t Start Buying Bins and Boxes When Starting an Organizing Project:Here’s what the pros of Good Housekeeping say:

    You need to tackle the root of the problem (deciding which stuff to ditch, noting your routines, and facing your emotional decluttering demons) before you hit The Container Store.

  3. Use a “Right Away” Bin for Laundry:Add an extra basket to your laundry routine for clothing that should be washed right away, like uniforms or ballet costumes, for example. That way, you’ll always know which clothes need to be washed immediately without much sifting.
  4. Organize Your Makeup with Magnets:

    How often have you pulled an unused eyeshadow out from underneath a pile of other makeup? Keep your makeup visible in a visually pleasing way by putting magnets on your makeup containers.

  5. Use Your Dishwasher to Wash More Than Dishes:Small items, like toys, hairbrushes, and rain boots, can easily be washed in the dishwasher.
  6. Use a Lint Roller for Other Cleaning Jobs:Lint rollers can clean more then lint from your clothes. Try using lint rollers to dust your lampshades, the insides of your bags, your computer speakers and more.
  7. Sneaky Storage Next to Your Fridge:

    Make the best of a potential storage space by grabbing a skinny door to slide some extra storage alongside your refrigerator.

  8. Use a Tension Rod to Corral Pot Lids:

    Tension rods are the perfect way to corral awkward glass lids in your cabinets.

  9. Make Better Use of Freezer Space with Binder Clips:

    Binder clips can do double duty in your freezer by keeping bags closed and freeing up space for other foods.

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