Heart disease remains a killer at the top of the list for many people. Advancements in medicine and healthcare have improved mortality rates, but so have simple changes in diet and exercise habits.

For a long time, eggs have gotten a bad rap. Fears of spiked cholesterol have caused people to cut down or cut out eggs in their meals. What may be a shock to you is that studies performed over the last four to five years have shed new light on what causes bad cholesterol to increase.

It’s not your eggs. Where old studies clumped cholesterol-upping foods together as being bad for your health, they left out important factors. It’s been determined that there’s a difference between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol. Having high blood cholesterol is what paves the road to heart disease. Combined with too many unhealthy fats, and you’re writing our own unhealthy destiny.

Harvard’s Public Health blog discussed how dietary cholesterol has a small effect on blood cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol). Now, moderate or low egg consumption is being given a thumbs up. To find out the ways that they’re good for you, check out this list below!

  1. Packed with Vitamins

    Where do we start? Egg yolks are high in vitamin A, a host of B vitamins including B6, B9 and B12, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Your body needs these daily for maintenance and fun things like glowing skin and disease-fighting abilities.

  2. Packed with Minerals

    Among the minerals eggs contain are iron, zinc, and calcium, which help the body to have solid bones, healthy blood, and a strong immune system. Some people even consume the shells for calcium!

  3. Protein Power

    Eggs are high in protein, which we need for energy, healthy metabolism, tissues, hair, muscle building, nails, and much more! One large egg has 6 to 7 grams of protein in it.

  4. Choline Mother Lode

    Many diets are low in choline, which can contribute to poor liver function. Choline also helps the body synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Where it really shines is being key to brain development in fetuses and young children, and preventing neurological defects in babies. The egg yolk is one of the top three sources of choline.

  5. Omega-3 Fats Booster

    Omega 3s help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and fight inflammation in the body. These fats also boost immunity and brain health.

  6. Fertility Assistant

    High in protein and vitamins, the egg can help women conceive. Choline, vitamins A and D, and omega fats help a woman’s body become fertile. Additionally, eggs contain progesterone, a hormone needed for healthy ovulation.

  7. Vision Enhancer

    Vitamin A boosts vision, but eggs also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. Both are antioxidants found in the eye that can prevent macular degeneration. Eat eggs to up your levels of both. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also abundant in eggs and can prevent cataracts and other eye problems.

  8. Weight Loss Promoter

    Eggs are full protein and nutrients, which can make you feel fuller. Eating one egg with other nutritious foods like green vegetables will help you keep the calories low, especially as the first meal of the day. One hard-boiled egg contains about 70 calories.

  9. Improves Cognitive Function

    Besides containing choline for brain health, eggs have helper fats in them called phospholipids. Along with a nutrient dense diet, these fats might aid in protection from Alzheimer’s and memory dysfunction.

One thing doctors point out about eating eggs is that it’s important to watch out for proper (or improper food combinations). That means avoiding grease or butter overload and lean towards whole grains, fruits, and veggies. A giant side of bacon and sausage won’t help.

If you’ve been on the fence about eggs, you can certainly think about including them in your feast.

Did you cut eggs out because of cholesterol rules? Are you already a fan of eating eggs? How do you prefer to eat them?


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