Ready for an unsettling statistic? The average person will spend around a year and a half of their lives in the bathroom! It’s a jarring fact, especially considering even the most glamorous of washrooms aren’t exactly comfortable.

Fortunately for us, our friends over at HouseholdHacker have come up with some brilliant projects that can help you make your remaining “year and a half” in the bathroom work for you, and not against you.

Here are some of the most inventive ways you can hack your bathroom…

  1. Hush the noise

    Because the last thing you want is for your late-night bathroom trip to become an unwelcome wakeup call for the rest of your family. The solution? Wine corks and furniture floor padding, of course. Simply attach a few cut pieces to the underside of your toilet seat, and you’ll be good to go…whenever you want!

  2. For a sweeter smelling bathroom, just roll with it

    Embarrassing bathroom odors got you down? If so, don’t you dare think of touching that harmful aerosol spray! Simply wrap a couple of dryer sheets around your toilet paper holder, instead. To unlock that fresh scent, just spin away!

    Pro tip: To customize your toilet roll scent, ditch the dryer sheets and add a few drops of essential oil to the cardboard. Works like a charm!

  3. Don’t forget your shower

    There’s nothing worse than buying a new shower curtain liner only to notice splatters of mold and mildew growing on its edges soon after. To solve this problem, simply remove the liner from your curtain rod and throw it in your washer. The same can be said for some shower curtains as well, so be sure to consult the care instructions first!

  4. Improvise with your mop

    Believe it or not, when used correctly, a mop can work ALMOST as well as a plunger—all you need to do is cover the head with a plastic bag. Once secure, stick the mop into the toilet and plunge, using an in-out motion. Works in a pinch!

  5. Get the most out of your toilet paper roll

    Let’s be honest, we’ve all been in that awkward situation where we’re in a public restroom and we do our business, only to be met with a completely or near-empty toilet paper roll!

    The next time this happens to you, don’t panic. Simply open up that cardboard tube and start peeling until you get to a layer that resembles toilet paper. Hey, it might not be “Charmin soft”, but it’s better than the alternative!

Now that you know about some of our new favorite bathroom tips, it’s time for you to learn how to execute each one perfectly. Watch HouseholdHacker’s video below to get the full tutorials, as well as 4 brilliant bonus projects. It’s time to get flushing!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things bathroom hacks. Have you ever tried any of these DIYs before? If so, were you happy with your results? Do you have any projects that you would like to share?

Other image credits: (Story image)

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