8 Pet Products We Can’t Believe Actually Exist


We love cats and dogs as much as the next pet lover, but these ridiculous products are proof that the pet industry has simply gone too far. We can’t understand for the life of us why any of these things need to exist, let alone why anyone would buy them. But these products are undoubtedly amusing to consider.

  1. Cat Stroller:

    Because cats love being enclosed in tiny spaces.

  2. Pet Sling:

    For pets who are more of an accessories than a living-breathing animal.

  3. Pet Jewelry:


  4. Cat Master Suite:

    For those cats who truly hold all the power in their household.

  5. “Sexy Beast” Dog Perfume:

    For just $70, your dog will smell designer-fresh.

  6. Pet High Chair:

    So your pooch can chill with you at the dinner table.

  7. Dog Beer:

    If you have no one else to crack open a couple of cold ones with….

  8. And Last “Butt” Not Least, The Doggone Thong:

    This is intended to make dog’s farts smell less like farts. But, why would you do this to your poor pup?

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