Ever think that Coca-Cola is some kind of DIY cure-all? It seems like everyday we hear about more and more miraculous uses for this bubbly wonder. From adding Coke as a secret ingredient in a favorite recipe, to cleaning surfaces around your home, to actually taking it as medicine (try a spoonful of flat coke for nausea!), there seems no end to what Coca-Cola can do. All those crafty uses almost make you forget that Coke is a refreshing drink, too!

Officially, the Coca-Cola company doesn’t promote Coke as a cleaning product or for other “off-label” uses. They do share lots of tasty recipes that use the drink, however. And we’re betting they’re not sad to see people loading up their shopping carts with a few cases to use for spring cleaning as well as summertime refreshment.

We’ll add to the rush with a few more useful ways to put Coca-Cola to work that you might not have heard of yet:

Clean Eyeglasses

Grab a lens cloth and wipe your eyeglasses down with Coca-Cola. The acid in the drink will help pick up any dirt and smears that are clouding them up. Just make sure to wipe your specs down with plain water and a clean cloth afterwards, to remove the super sticky cola residue.

Whip up a Barbecue Sauce

Coca-Cola cakes, Coca-Cola basted hams, Coca-Cola slushies, and other recipes are delicious ways to get that classic Coke taste outside of the bottle or can. What you may not have heard is that Coca-Cola also makes a wicked good barbecue sauce. There are lots of ways to vary things to suit your personal tastes, but the basic recipe just involves warming Coke together with ketchup and a few simple seasonings. Bam!

Add Silkiness to Body Lotion

This one’s easy, and we love the idea. Try mixing a spoonful of Coca-Cola in as you use your regular body lotion. Supposedly, it will give your skin a silky, glistening look. By using just a bit of cola, it shouldn’t leave your skin sticky, either.

And more…

Free Coke from the bottle or can! There are tons of other uses for Coca-Cola around your home. The drink makes a quick and easy rust remover, can kill slugs attacking your garden, and cleans tarnish from metal. Watch the video for a few more suggestions. We do hope you’ll only need some of them in emergencies, though!

Have you tried any of these? Did they work for you? Do you have any other crafty uses for Coca-Cola to share?

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