With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about that turkey and how you’re going to get one without breaking the bank. Apart from forgoing turkey altogether, here are some ways that you can hope to save this Thanksgiving:

Buy Frozen

According to Matthew DiStefano, community manager for the coupon app “Saverr,” frozen turkeys can be as much as 40% cheaper then fresh turkeys. And if you get your turkey with plenty of time to spare, you won’t have to worry about unthawing it quickly before the big day.

Consolidate Your Spending

Many stores will actually give you a free bird if you spend a certain amount of groceries. They’ll also usually give you a few weeks to hit the grand total. So see if you can find deals like this in your area, then consolidate your shopping so you stock up on things you need (non-perishables or things you can freeze) during that time. Score your free turkey and then minimize your grocery shopping for the next month or so.

Hunt for Sales

Before you head to the store, check all of the store circulars in your area to see who’s offering the best deal on a bird. It may not be the store you typically shop at.

There are plenty of turkey sales this time of year, so keep an eye on supermarket circulars. Genuardi’s recently offered its store club members a price of 88 cents per pound on a 10- to 24-pound bird, and Stop & Shop knocked prices down to 59 cents per pound.

Check out more tips over at MintLife Blog’s Smart Ways to Save on Your Thanksgiving Turkey.

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